What happened in May? Let’s see.


  • Initial analyses for OPS-SAT, BOBCAT-1, and QUBIK
  • PRs to resolve a few small issues
  • Help review abstracts for conference presentations
  • Lead preparation of a proposal to run code on OPS-SAT. I’m super excited about this.
  • Played a bit with the nanosat-mo-framework in preparation for that proposal.
  • We’ve got a Google Summer of Code student, Ayush Bansal! 🎉 Very much looking forward to working with him.


  • I’ve been asked to be an advisor for ALEASAT, a cubesat project being built by UBC and SFU students. I’m incredibly thrilled about this.

Data science

Hardware hacking

  • Replaced rain sensor on weather station at my in-laws

  • Tested running 3 Dallas 1-wire sensors over a 25 foot / 7.5 metre ethernet cable: one twisted pair element each for positive, ground and signal. Worked a treat! These are going to be buried in the garden there to get soil temperatures at different depths


  • First POTA activation: Ve-3300, Cariboo Hill Park. 21 contacts, including 2 park-to-park. Closest I’ve come yet to a pileup.

  • Power went out at my house for a few hours, so I used the time to make contacts on my homebrew magloop on 20m while it was dead quiet. Made England, plus one with KD6JUI/MM, who was kayaking (!) with a homebrew magloop (!!).

  • CQ WPX contest: 55 contacts over 3 days. I’ll be honest, it was a bit of a chore by the end. But I managed to make New Zealand on 5W, and Australia on 5W on 40m (!).