Fun projects (aka "I'm bored…")
Table of Contents
- 1. Reference To publish this:
- 2. Reference Best place to buy used books
- 3. Reference Motors vs steppers vs servos
- 4. Reference How to program an Arduino Nano with an Uno
- 5. Reference Using the TP4056 for solar battery charging
- 6. Reference Re-using vape pen batteries
- 7. Reference Working with Molex connectors
- 8. Doing Fun project: OMG Sonic tomography for trees
- 9. DONE Weather vane + Arduino
- 10. SetAside ESP32 remote control for Spotify
- 11. DONE Fun project: Scrape pollen counts from this API
- 12. Doing Solar lamp as power supply for ESP32
- 13. NEXT Fun project: Arduino "radar" ultrasonic display
- 14. NEXT Fun project: Ikea Air Sensor – use the pico for this!
- 15. NEXT Winogradsky column
- 16. NEXT Microscopy
- 17. NEXT Food computer
- 18. NEXT Thunderboard Sense
- 19. NEXT Finish up Russet
- 20. NEXT Finish Geiger counter!
- 21. NEXT Magnetic field surveying
- 22. Homebrew seismometer
- 23. ESP32 trailcam
- 24. Lolin32 3D printed case
- 25. Infragram: monitoring plant health via near-infrared light
- 26. CCS811: VOC + eCO2 sensor
- 27. Balloons around the world
- 28. Floaters and buoys
- 29. Underwater glider - hackaday project winner for 2017!
- 30. Vancouver maker spaces & resources
- 31. Muon hunter kit
- 32. More particle detectors
- 33. Photo Upsampling
- 34. High-Resolution 3D Human Digitization from A Single Image.
- 35. OpenDataCam
- 36. Bird banding
- 37. - smartphone + arduino robot
- 38. Open source water bottle floater & GPS tracker
- 39. Raspberry Pi Seismometer
- 40.
- 41. Anthotype printing
- 42. NDVI with Arduino
- 43.
- 44. Measuring wind speed with microphone noise 🤯
- 45. TinyML book
- 46. Long-lived Arduino data logger on batteries
- 47. Lightning detector
- 48. Nerdfeeder
- 49. CoSMO stream flow data
- 50. Solar charger night light – good reference for other projects
- 51. Focus stacking!
- 52. Use arduino uno as FTDI for ESP32 Cam
- 53. Magnetometer surveying
- 54. Lollybot – good for web dev, maybe
- 55. Web development
- 56. Hydrogen line astronomy
- 57. Otto - simple, 3D printed arduino-based robot
- 58. Solar-powered, waterproof ESP32 camera
- 59. Bat ultrasonic tracking
- 60. Car logger ODB2
- 61. Kmonad
- 62. Fun project: automatic rebooter for weather station, router
- 63. Fun project: Sign up as pull reviewer for $$$
- 64. Fun project: Go through
- 65. Fun project: OpenCTD: open source ocean-going probes
- 66. Fun project: AI for detecting algal blooms
- 67. Fun project: Homebrew ocean floater with satellite modem
- 68. Fun project: Soaking pasta to cook it
- 69. Fun project: Arduino water quality monitoring station
- 70. Fun project: Lisp for microcontrollers!
- 71. Fun project: Join Queensborough biodiersity project on iNaturalist
- 72. DONE GPS plotter
- 73. DONE Anemometer for weather station
- 74. DONE Soil moisture probes
- 75. DONE Birdhouse camera
- 76. Fun project: Wifi tank + camera
- 77. ML - Open source LLMs are eating our lunch
- 78. Fun project: Set up DD-WRT on DIR-615 routers
- 79. Fun project: Write a python firefox extension
- 80. Fun project: Import Environment Canada wind data to Grafana
- 81. Fun project: Generate charts like this for weather
- 82. Fun project: Take a look at spotify data
- 83. Fun project: Anecdata – citizen science platform
- 84. Fun project: NASA Javascript framework for maps, globes
- 85. Fun project: Arduino + Quaternions
- 86. Fun project: Python webdev projects, some react-like
- 87. Fun project: Sentinel timelapse
- 88. Fun project: DIY air purifier
- 89. Fun project: Emacs client for iNaturalist
- 90. Fun project: Shazam from CLI
- 91. Fun project: Infinigen: procedurally generated worlds, Python+Blender
- 92. Fun project: Cloud chamber!
- 93. Fun project: vterm for Emacs
- 94. Fun project: Trees & strain gauges!
- 95. Fun project: bat detector!
- 96. Fun project: Play with Open-Meteo APIs: climate change, weather forecasts
- 97. Fun project: citizen weather reporting
- 98. Fun project:
- 99. Fun project: Wyze v3 hacks project
- 100. Fun project: DIY magnetometer kit
- 101. Fun project: Citizen science: soil evaluation
- 102. Fun project: Efficient/tiny ML: online course
- 103. Fun project: Write an interpreter in golang
- 104. Fun project: Planktoscope
- 105. Fun project: Tote – simple servo-based 4-legged robot
- 106. Fun project: Cheap Yellow Display – ESP32 w/display & more
- 107. Fun project: Simplest quadruped robot
- 108. Fun project: Solargraphy: long-term pinhole camera of the sun
- 109. Fun project: Scientific American Book of Projects for the Amateur Scientist
- 110. Fun project: Emacs & LLMs
- 111. Fun project: Personal mp3/ogg player
- 112. Fun project: Bucket ponds – aquariums without much work (allegedly)
- 113. Fun project: How to make jungle music
- 114. Fun project: Add EU radiation data to Grafana
- 115. Fun project: UV imaging!
- 116. Fun project: locally-run LLMs with Bash
- 117. Fun project: TinyML
- 118. Fun project: Llama GPT on Pi4
- 119. Fun project: Lithium battery series on
- 120. Fun project: 3d printed radio controller
- 121. Fun project: Spotify favourites -> genre playlists
- 122. Fun project: Continuous rotation servo reference
- 123. Fun project: Jellyfin media server
- 124. Fun project: Hacking a bluetooth speaker
- 125. Fun project: Build An Audio AI App Course
- 126. Fun project: UTC clock
- 127. Fun project: Bonsai trees
- 128. Fun project:
- 129. Fun project: tic-tac magnetometer
- 130. Fun project: Measuring atmosheric co2 with SCD40/41 sensor
- 131. Fun project: Migrating bird sounds at night
- 132. Fun project: Microscope photography
- 133. Fun project: One-servo walking robot
- 134. Fun project: Mothbox!
- 135. Fun project: Make a lisp
- 136. Fun project: Vancouver water levels
- 137. Fun project: Atari punk console
- 138. Fun project: auto bed levelling
- 139. Fun project: Tardigrades!
- 140. Fun project: Octoprint on an Android phone
- 141.
1. Reference To publish this:
2. Reference Best place to buy used books
3. Reference Motors vs steppers vs servos
4. Reference How to program an Arduino Nano with an Uno
- Open ISP sketch. Ensure board set to Uno, programmer set to AVR ISP.
- Upload – Ctrl-U
- Switch to the program to upload. Ensure board set to Uno, programmer set to Arduino as ISP
- Upload using programmer – Shift-Ctrl-U
5. Reference Using the TP4056 for solar battery charging
- Use this circuit to safely charge & power at the same time:
6. Reference Re-using vape pen batteries
7. Reference Working with Molex connectors
- Focused on pinball repair
- Molex connectors have a 25-connection life cycle!
8. Doing Fun project: OMG Sonic tomography for trees
8.1. Rough plan:
Start with two nails on opposite side of tree. Hammer one; detect wave in the other; figure out time of flight between the two.
8.1.1. Step 0: Count time between button pushes
- Press button; start timer
- Press button again; stop timer
- Print time between those two events.
- Interrupts for both.
- Step 0b: two buttons.
8.1.2. Step 1: count time between hammer and received wave
- Hammer to ground
- Nail to +3v
3v <-> pull-up resistor <-> ground 🔨---esp32 GPIO <-----------------–—+long piece of wood
esp32 other GPIO <------------–—> nail
8.2. Existing commercial tools
8.3. Papers
8.4. Hackaday/etc
8.5. AliExpress
8.6. Software
- Hi-res timer for esp32 – down to nanosecond level:
9. DONE Weather vane + Arduino
- but not working – check
10. SetAside ESP32 remote control for Spotify
- Going to play around with duplicating this on my own – a fun learning exercise. Maybe web interface? Not sure.
11. DONE Fun project: Scrape pollen counts from this API
{ "GET": { "scheme": "https", "host": "", "filename": "/api/forecast/historic/pollen/98225/30", "remote": { "Address": "" } } }
{ "Type": "pollen", "ForecastDate": "2023-05-22T00:00:00-04:00", "Location": { "ZIP": "98225", "City": "BELLINGHAM", "State": "WA", "periods": [ { "Period": "2023-04-23T05:30:32", "Index": 1.7 }, { "Period": "2023-04-24T05:30:32", "Index": 4.2 }, { "Period": "2023-04-25T05:30:33", "Index": 8.8 }, { "Period": "2023-04-26T05:30:32", "Index": 8.1 }, { "Period": "2023-04-27T05:30:32", "Index": 8.5 }, { "Period": "2023-04-28T05:30:32", "Index": 8.6 }, { "Period": "2023-04-29T05:30:33", "Index": 9.7 }, { "Period": "2023-04-30T05:30:33", "Index": 7.9 }, { "Period": "2023-05-01T05:30:32", "Index": 7.8 }, { "Period": "2023-05-02T05:30:32", "Index": 8.4 }, { "Period": "2023-05-03T05:30:32", "Index": 7.4 }, { "Period": "2023-05-04T05:30:32", "Index": 7.8 }, { "Period": "2023-05-05T05:30:32", "Index": 1.9 }, { "Period": "2023-05-06T05:30:33", "Index": 4.7 }, { "Period": "2023-05-07T05:30:32", "Index": 6.4 }, { "Period": "2023-05-08T05:30:33", "Index": 7.6 }, { "Period": "2023-05-09T05:30:32", "Index": 7.7 }, { "Period": "2023-05-10T05:30:32", "Index": 8.1 }, { "Period": "2023-05-11T05:30:32", "Index": 9 }, { "Period": "2023-05-12T05:30:32", "Index": 8.9 }, { "Period": "2023-05-13T05:30:32", "Index": 9.1 }, { "Period": "2023-05-14T05:30:32", "Index": 9.2 }, { "Period": "2023-05-15T05:30:32", "Index": 9.2 }, { "Period": "2023-05-16T05:30:32", "Index": 7.7 }, { "Period": "2023-05-17T05:30:32", "Index": 7.9 }, { "Period": "2023-05-18T05:30:32", "Index": 8.5 }, { "Period": "2023-05-19T05:30:31", "Index": 8.5 }, { "Period": "2023-05-20T05:30:32", "Index": 8.6 }, { "Period": "2023-05-21T05:30:32", "Index": 9 }, { "Period": "2023-05-22T05:30:33", "Index": 5.7 } ], "DisplayLocation": "Bellingham, WA" } }
12. Doing Solar lamp as power supply for ESP32
- measured voltage to light: 2.65 V
- Can hook up VIN and GND on ESP32 to battery, and red power LED comes on
- Can also get it to turn on by connecting them to the power to the light (eg, 2.65V)
The other open leads beside the ones to the light also work:
# Gnd Pos o o x o o o x o
- where o are open ones, and x are the one in use
- also:
- QX5252F chip?
- Data sheet:
- Good reference on TP4056
13. NEXT Fun project: Arduino "radar" ultrasonic display
14. NEXT Fun project: Ikea Air Sensor – use the pico for this!
15. NEXT Winogradsky column
16. NEXT Microscopy
- or not DIY:
- : swift sw380b
- : the omax listed below, $230
- abbe, mechanical, binocular, siedentopf head
- no trinocular
- $310
- abbe, mechanical, trinocular, usb 5MP camera, siedentopf
- SW350T
- $457
350 vs 380:
This is the official response ”The image quality of the two microscopes is similar. The difference lies in the appearance. At 40 times magnification, the clear range of 380T is larger, which is 70%, 350T is 50%, and the fine-tuning accuracy is higher for 380T, which is 3.4 microns, and 350T is 27 microns."
- abbe, mechanical, trinocular, LED
- no siedentopf
- $457
- $230
- abbe, mechanical, binocular
- omax trinocular, abbe, mechanical stage, LED light
- no siedntopf
- $250!
- a lot of stuff on sale here, ships from canada
- Pi camera instead of the expensive low-res cameras
17. NEXT Food computer
18. NEXT Thunderboard Sense
- Case:
- These folks look really interesting
19. NEXT Finish up Russet
20. NEXT Finish Geiger counter!
- <– send data here
21. NEXT Magnetic field surveying
- mpu9250 might do this
- I've got the 6050 – no magnetic sensor
- But also, there's the Thunderboard Sense – it uses the SI7210, which measures in 10s of microTeslas
- Oh, I bet that's the sensor in the wind direction sensor I got from AliExpress
- fun display
Earth's magnetic field:
At the Earth's surface the total intensity varies from 22,000 nanotesla (nT) to 67,000 nT. Other units likely to be encountered are the Gauss (1 Gauss = 100,000 nT), the gamma (1 gamma = 1 nT) and the Ørsted.
- That's .22 to .67 Gauss, or 22 to 67 microTesla
- includes link to book on magnetic surveying
- Bought 3 x QMC5883L / GY-273 modules. Looks like they should do 2
millGauss resolution – which looks like it should match what I
- 2 milliGauss == 200 nanoTeslas
- Good overview of magnetic surveying.
- Slide 50 talks about surveying for unexploded ordinance, & has
charts showing difference in fields:
- -2.7 to 4.3 nT - range of 7 nT. Not in range of QMC5883L.
- -21 to 22 nT - 43 nT. Not in range.
- -7.5 to 8.5 nT - 16 nT. Not in range.
- -140 to 210 nT - 350 nT. In range, barely.s
The HamSCI magnetometers use an off-the-shelf, low-cost magnetic sensor (RM3100) using a new technology (“magneto-inductive”), manufactured by PNI Corp. The sensor is capable of measuring magnetic fields with a resolution of 3 nT at 1 Hz with a noise floor of 4 pT/ at 1 Hz. A previous study [7] demonstrated that the sensor performance is adequate for both space-borne and ground-based applications to study geomagnetic activity. Given that the sensor will be located in various electromagnetic environments by amateur participants, we expect the performance to be somewhat compromised and thus our target level is 10 nT at 1 Hz.
22. Homebrew seismometer
Went with Raspberry shake in the end
22.1. Background
- – good explanation
- – another good explanation
- more seismograph designs:
- - original Scientific American
- - that site's root
22.2. Seismometer with MPU6050
- Huh: datasheet for MPU-6050 says it can meaure +/- 2g at 16,384 bits. Assuming that's 32768 bits for the whole range, that's 0.000122 g per bit. If actually 16384 for the whole range, that's 0.000244 g per bit.
- suggests that
on the Mercalli scale (is this similar to the Richter scale? think
so, need to confirm), 2 to 3 corresponds to 0.000464 to 0.00297 g.
So…possibly, we can measure earthquakes with this! Or at least
traffic noise, etc.
- Aha: says Mercalli scale 2-3 is in the 2-3 Richter range.
Typical accelerations in earthquakes are between 0.05 and 1 g. 0.005g would be barely felt (and not felt by many), shaking over 0.05 g is unpleasant, and few buildings would survive an acceleration of more than 0.5 g. Since shaking is almost always less than 1 g, it is also reported as a percent of g. Thus shaking of 0.1 g would often be labeled 10% g.
- – how to select the sensitivity you want from arduino
- – really good overview of the chip, including how it works mechanically
- – another really good overview w/code
- oh wow, a lot of people have had this idea
- – micropython driver for mpu6050, includes setting for accel range
23. ESP32 trailcam
24. Lolin32 3D printed case
25. Infragram: monitoring plant health via near-infrared light
- Also, Public Lab seems really interesting…
26. CCS811: VOC + eCO2 sensor
One measurement that causes a lot of confusion is "Equivalent CO2." The CCS811 will report equivalent CO2 in parts-per-million, but that number can be a little bit deceptive. It's important to recognize that the CCS811 cannot measure CO2 and that the "equivalent CO2" being reported by the CCS811 has nothing to do with actual CO2 present in the area. So why the heck is it called "CO2 Equivalent Units" and why would anyone need it? The answer comes down to the use of indoor air quality sensors — like the CCS811 — in HVAC control.
Building ventilation, it turns out, is all about occupancy. The more people present in a space, the more CO2 they're exhaling, and the more ventilation is required. Now, it's certainly possible to design and operate an HVAC system around the design occupancy of a building or room, in other words the number of people expected to use a space. But this means that you may be wasting energy at times when the building isn't actually occupied. To solve this problem, many HVAC systems will monitor the concentration of CO2 in a given area in order to calculate the amount of air exchange needed in a scheme called "demand-controlled ventilation."
Makers of indoor air quality sensors that don't detect CO2 (in an attempt to market their devices for demand-controlled ventilation systems) have correlated rising CO2 levels in certain environments to rising VOC levels. It's important to recognize that this is a correlation of the change in levels and not a correlation of the levels themselves: High VOC concentrations are not analogous to high CO2 concentrations. But it can be said that if the VOC concentration of a given space begins to slowly climb above baseline, it probably corresponds to room occupancy and an increase in CO2 (because humans exhale both CO2 and VOCs). Therefore, the manufacturers of these devices report the "CO2 Equivalent Units" with respect to this correlation so that their devices might fit more easily into an existing demand-controlled ventilation scheme.
- Library:
27. Balloons around the world
- But see concerns about transmitters/formats (was in IRC)
28. Floaters and buoys
29. Underwater glider - hackaday project winner for 2017!
30. Vancouver maker spaces & resources
31. Muon hunter kit
32. More particle detectors
33. Photo Upsampling
34. High-Resolution 3D Human Digitization from A Single Image.
35. OpenDataCam
- See balena IOT Happy Hour on this
36. Bird banding
37. - smartphone + arduino robot
38. Open source water bottle floater & GPS tracker
39. Raspberry Pi Seismometer
- Huh:
41. Anthotype printing
42. NDVI with Arduino
44. Measuring wind speed with microphone noise 🤯
45. TinyML book
46. Long-lived Arduino data logger on batteries
47. Lightning detector
48. Nerdfeeder
49. CoSMO stream flow data
- see CoSMoSpring2022newsletter.pdf in this directory
50. Solar charger night light – good reference for other projects
Good overview of calculating power requirements for solar charging a battery:
51. Focus stacking!
52. Use arduino uno as FTDI for ESP32 Cam
53. Magnetometer surveying
- pointer to fgsensors
- also for aurora monitor
54. Lollybot – good for web dev, maybe
55. Web development
56. Hydrogen line astronomy
57. Otto - simple, 3D printed arduino-based robot
58. Solar-powered, waterproof ESP32 camera
- A lot of details, including:
- Energy budget
- Details about energy harvesting modules (who knew?)
- Links to AliExpress waterproof camera cases and everything else…god they're cheap
- A lot of details, including:
59. Bat ultrasonic tracking
- Echo Meter Touch
- Hooks up to smartphone, Ids calls like Merlin does for birds
- apparently at Coquitlam library – but looked on
- Emailed Coquitlam Library to ask.
and could not find any mention. They do have a tech centre with
telescopes, binos, 3d printers, etc – so maybe just not up on their
60. Car logger ODB2
- aha: this is a whole thing. adapters start around $225 and are backordered:
- Idea/inspiration:
61. Kmonad
62. Fun project: automatic rebooter for weather station, router
63. Fun project: Sign up as pull reviewer for $$$
64. Fun project: Go through
- Also:
65. Fun project: OpenCTD: open source ocean-going probes
66. Fun project: AI for detecting algal blooms
67. Fun project: Homebrew ocean floater with satellite modem
68. Fun project: Soaking pasta to cook it
69. Fun project: Arduino water quality monitoring station
70. Fun project: Lisp for microcontrollers!
71. Fun project: Join Queensborough biodiersity project on iNaturalist
72. DONE GPS plotter
- good example of what can be done w/the gps agent I got from dad
73. DONE Anemometer for weather station
- Did first pass at software
- Had to use Arduino IDE to compile – compilation errors when
- arduino-wx-transmitter worked – suspect the Makefile I'm including there (that is, the upstream Arduino-Makefile) is diff from the one I'm including in the anemometer code.
- Just for the record:
- working with Arduino-IDE: /home/aardvark/dev/arduino/anemometer/sketchjan02a
- Not working, fiddle with Makefile: /home/aardvark/dev/arduino-anemometer
- Got it working!
- 3 magnets taped in place
- sensor in right place
- interrupt handling for detection
- rpm, interval time
- Orientation of magnets & sensor will be important – these things need to go close. Poss there will be collisions if not careful. Will need to think about adjustable placement for sensor + repeatable placement for magnets
- Next steps:
- Collect & send to InfluxDB
- Think about placement of sensor – some kind of arm that can be moved into place? Something on a screw?
- Record orientation – marks on magnets, pictures, record placement of sensor
73.2. Whoah, been a while…
- Oct 6: up and going. Have a bluetooth anemometer to calibrate this. 02:B3:EC:C3:4C:74 - anemometer
- bluetoothctl connect [that addr] seems to …work? maybe?
- bluetoothctl connect [that mac]
- bluetoothctl info [that mac]
- bluetoothctl menu gatt list-attributes
- maybe useful reading:
- bluetooth lib from adafruit. Putting in ~/dev/bluetooth-anemometer.
- Damn: bettercap
74. DONE Soil moisture probes
75. DONE Birdhouse camera
- Linux endoscope
76. Fun project: Wifi tank + camera
77. ML - Open source LLMs are eating our lunch
78. Fun project: Set up DD-WRT on DIR-615 routers
- …OTOH, I just d/l,
used that in the default factory gui to update, and it worked 🤯
- came up w/IP addr of
- set user/password to "admin"/"admin"
- telnet (!) in as root/admin worked
- enabled SSH
- this seems to have worked at home nicely
79. Fun project: Write a python firefox extension
80. Fun project: Import Environment Canada wind data to Grafana
81. Fun project: Generate charts like this for weather
- click on "charts" link for more ideas
82. Fun project: Take a look at spotify data
- Have a look in Downloads: …or just re-download
83. Fun project: Anecdata – citizen science platform
84. Fun project: NASA Javascript framework for maps, globes
85. Fun project: Arduino + Quaternions
86. Fun project: Python webdev projects, some react-like
87. Fun project: Sentinel timelapse
88. Fun project: DIY air purifier
89. Fun project: Emacs client for iNaturalist
90. Fun project: Shazam from CLI
- "To use these scripts you'll need your own API key. It can be
obtained from rapidapi you'll need a RapidAPI account and subscribe
to the Shazam API (there is a free a plan). "
- RapidAPI looks like fun on its own…
91. Fun project: Infinigen: procedurally generated worlds, Python+Blender
92. Fun project: Cloud chamber!
- no dry ice – just a metal heatsink + the contents of a freezer ice pack
93. Fun project: vterm for Emacs
94. Fun project: Trees & strain gauges!
Enhancing TreeMMoSys with a high-precision strain gauge to measure the wind-induced response of trees down to the ground:
95. Fun project: bat detector!
- surface mount soldering…well beyond me. But fun!
96. Fun project: Play with Open-Meteo APIs: climate change, weather forecasts
97. Fun project: citizen weather reporting
99. Fun project: Wyze v3 hacks project
100. Fun project: DIY magnetometer kit
- 100 Euros; could I do something myself?
101. Fun project: Citizen science: soil evaluation
102. Fun project: Efficient/tiny ML: online course
103. Fun project: Write an interpreter in golang
104. Fun project: Planktoscope
105. Fun project: Tote – simple servo-based 4-legged robot
106. Fun project: Cheap Yellow Display – ESP32 w/display & more
107. Fun project: Simplest quadruped robot
108. Fun project: Solargraphy: long-term pinhole camera of the sun
109. Fun project: Scientific American Book of Projects for the Amateur Scientist
110. Fun project: Emacs & LLMs
111. Fun project: Personal mp3/ogg player
- Holy shit, there are a bunch of these
- The decoder modules are super cheap - $1 to $7. Look for VS1053 or "Tenstar TF u disk mp3 player"
112. Fun project: Bucket ponds – aquariums without much work (allegedly)
113. Fun project: How to make jungle music
114. Fun project: Add EU radiation data to Grafana
115. Fun project: UV imaging!
- also has a hackaday talk up – search for the article
116. Fun project: locally-run LLMs with Bash
117. Fun project: TinyML
118. Fun project: Llama GPT on Pi4
119. Fun project: Lithium battery series on
120. Fun project: 3d printed radio controller
121. Fun project: Spotify favourites -> genre playlists
122. Fun project: Continuous rotation servo reference
123. Fun project: Jellyfin media server
124. Fun project: Hacking a bluetooth speaker
125. Fun project: Build An Audio AI App Course
- Free course from
126. Fun project: UTC clock
- Plug and play w/ an ESP32 & WS2812b 8x32 panel
- build your own
127. Fun project: Bonsai trees
128. Fun project:
- Neat stuff!
129. Fun project: tic-tac magnetometer
- Love the packaging:
130. Fun project: Measuring atmosheric co2 with SCD40/41 sensor
- This might also work:
- $125 USD for outdoor kit (and that's a super easy kit)
131. Fun project: Migrating bird sounds at night
132. Fun project: Microscope photography
133. Fun project: One-servo walking robot
134. Fun project: Mothbox!
135. Fun project: Make a lisp
136. Fun project: Vancouver water levels
- Seymour Lake:
- Capilano Lake:
- Coquitlam Lake:
- Alpine Lake:
137. Fun project: Atari punk console
- With LFOs:
- ooh, 8-step sequencer
138. Fun project: auto bed levelling
139. Fun project: Tardigrades!
- Baermann funnel: